Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ainsley Climbing Down The Stairs!

Ainsley Climbing Up The Stairs!

Ainsley Photos!

Ainsley Photos!

Ainsley, Ainsley, Ainsley

Cute as a button and becoming mischievous. She now reaches onto the kitchen table to pull things off. We started moving things further onto the table and she now grabs placemats and pulls them to the edge so she can see (and grab) what is on top!

She also walks backwards now. She'll get infront of you, turn around and baby-step backwards until she is at your feet. That means she wants to sit on your lap.

She is currently cutting tooth number 8. If anyone has ideas about how to make this go faster, feel free to leave it in the comments.

She also smiles (she takes after her great-grandpa Banasik) the moment she sees that the camera is on her you get a big cheesy smile) and is making ALOT more noise. When she hears a new word she will try to repeat it but then won't say it again (very strange, must be stockpiling them in their for some reason).

The old adage is true. If it is too quiet she is normally trying to get away with something (generally biting off paper and trying to eat it).

She can find the smallest speck on the carpet to pick up.

Her current favorite band seems to be the Wiggles.

Thursday is going to be extra special because she is home with us.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ainsley Eating On Her Own (Sort Of.......)

Ainsley Pictures

Big Smiles From Our Increasingly Independent Girl Behind That Face, A Toddler Is Lurking
Getting Food In The Mouth Is The First Step. We'll Work On Messiness Later.
Ainsley had a great weekend. First Babcia and Grandpa came to visit and she got to open Mama's Birthday Gift and had Mama's favorite cookie (Sugar Cookie with frosting if you were wondering) . She had a fun time splashing in the pool and Mama nearly had heart failure when Baba took Ainsley down the slide. She went under water, looked shocked when she was back above the water but looked like she wanted to do it again. Later we went out for dinner and Ainsley had Broccoli and Cheese Soup.
On Sunday Ainsley managed a one nap day but you can tell she was getting tired as she was eating her lunch which was followed immediately by her nap. In the afternoon Mama was putting dishes in the dishwasher and Ainsley tried to take them out. Mama said n-n-no and Ainsley said yes, yes, yes. Perhaps we are getting glipses of the willful 2 year old to come. Either way, she is more wonderful then we ever could have imagined.

Ainsley Pictures

Eating Dinner At A Regular Time
This Isn't Bad
Wow, I Get To Do It By Myself
More Please
Ainsley had been eating dinner around 5 and Mama and Baba had been eating around 8 after the princess when to bed but we have decided it's time to start having family meals. Tonight was BBQ Beef in a Muffin. Ainsley seemed to enjoy it.

Ainsley Pictures


Thanks For The Card Aunt LeeAnne.

Mama and Baba Kept Me Up Too Long

I'm So Ready For Bed Now

Publix Know Kids. How Could We Possibly Shop Anywhere Else When Ainsley Gets Not Only A Free Cookie But A Balloon Also.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ainsley Pictures

All that drool ends up on her clothes. I love her shoes.

Ainsley loves to read

Relaxing on the ground

I think she's going to take after her mama. She lights up when we go into the library.

Ainsley Pictures

Typical Ainsley Day

Lots of close-ups because she can't stay away from the camera

Chewing on her comb and drooling ALOT

She's so good she even reads upside down. (Curious George)

Ainsley Pictures

Mama, the cookie monster is on the phone, he wants to talk to you. He thinks I should get chocolate chip cookies everyday, not just once a week.

Tickle Me Elmo (RIP) :(

We have placed him back in the box for a long while.....

Inanimate objects are one thing. Ones that move send our poor little girl across the room screaming. Perhaps we'll see Elmo again around Christmas.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Ainsley Pictures

Ainsley has the greatest smile. She now likes to wear hats and can tear apart a room in a matter of seconds. It's so much fun to see what she is going to do next. Recent developments have been crawling backwards and going down the stairs.

Gotcha Day Video


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