Sunday, April 8, 2007

Saturday, March 31, 2007

A test not only of Ainsley's travel ability but also of out stomaches. It was a little sad that we had to leave Changsha, Ainsley's home province. Not that I didn't want to get back home but it was certainly a big day whether she realized it or not. Also sad that we had to say goodbye to our Spicy Auntie Daphne. If you are with CCAI and you are going to Hunan don't have a single worry, you will be in great hands!

We flew China Southern Airlines to Guangzhou. Was that an experience! We had a bottle all ready at take off so Ainsley's ears would hopefully not bother her during the trip. We hit some big turbulance and the plane was shaking quite a bit. Some people were crying (not just children) but Michael was okay with the Xanax. Ainsley slept right through it. Vigor met us at the airport and we took a 40 minute bus ride to Shamian Island and the White Swan Hotel. After checking in we went to Lucy's for dinner and back to the hotel to sleep!

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